Southern Pacific Double Feature with Bonus Cab Ride DVD
By Pentrex

Southern Pacific Double Feature with Bonus Cab Ride DVD
58 Mins


Product Description

Three features, two main films, on the ICTF and West Colton Yard, and the bonus cab ride, give us an insider’s view of the Southern Pacific. See what the brand new Los Angeles ICTF is all about, and what it means for the SP. In its opening year the ICTF (Intermodal Container Transfer Facility) handled 350,000 containers.And then we go to SP’s West Colton Yard. This classification yard is 6 miles long, with 100 miles of track inside the 550 acres of yard. This show features the construction to operation of this massive yard.BONUS: Hop in the cab as we work the ICTF to Dolores Yard run in 1991. Another great look behind the scenes of the gone, but not forgotten, Southern Pacific.